Client: All Our Minds
Agency Kurst
Project: Product Website
Role: Design Director
Credits: David Eserin and Farley Brian at Kurst
All Our Minds is a new electronic music production platform that allows new ways of producing and collaborating with other creators by blending the best music theory and next-generation technology to opening up a whole new world of creative freedom.
Below are website design concepts that are part of this new brand's creative and marketing platform. the starting point was to focus on the 'A' icon and use it as a brand element that would represent the limitless nature of the music platform itself.
The slideshow above by contains the many different 3D renders of the 'A' icon; from balloon and golfball textures to glass and metal. This symbolises the ever transformative nature of musical collaboration that can lead to the creation of something new. Also, there are some early 'look and feel' lifestyle and marketing moodboards by Darren Turrell on the overall brand aesthetic.
Concept homepage template.
Early look and feel concepts.
The website concepts shown were an important part of experimenting and bringing the All Our Minds music platform's brand to life. The process is ongoing I hope to be able to share the final outcome of this work with you in the future...