Client: World Gold Council
Project: Digital First Brand Toolkit
Agency: FutureBrand
Role: Digital Art Director
The World Gold Council is the market development organisation for the gold industry. It works across all parts of the industry, from gold mining to investment, and their aim is to stimulate and sustain demand for gold. As part of the WGC’s brand evolution, I worked with FutureBrand to develop this ‘digital first’ brand toolkit that would be the platform for all future brand communications.
Grid system – brand lock-up and elements:
One of the main focus points of the new brand evolution was to use circles and rings that were inspired by the three rings that are part of the WGC’s logo. I created grid system which gave many opportunities to create new brand elements and lock-ups. This gird gave the designs space, order and balance; especially once they were applied to concept layouts with colours, images and typography.
Brand lock-up evolution and application:
The initial circular brand elements were incorporated with typography to create a graphic lock-up, which were then applied to website layouts to complete the overall aesthetic. Different arrangements and colours were used to differentiate the three main content sections within the website itself.
Brand asset creation:
Part of the brand evolution was to create the new brand assets including button styles, icons, interactive templates and a categorised database of brand photography.
Storyboard animation: logotype grid:
This is an example of how the rings and circles can be animated to create brand ‘idents’ for video communications, social media or presentation purposes
Brand lock-ups applied to a website template:
These layouts show a variety of colour, typographic and photographic treatments that can be used for future online application. The yellow circles denote the homepage, with the orange, blue and green identifying the three main sub-sections.
Social Media concept designs:
Look and feel of social media posts for Instagram. The next three images show the brand applied to concept website layouts with existing ‘real world’ content.
*Metrics not available.