Client: Bristol City Council
Projects: Women's Safety Charter, Thrive at Night, Bristol Rules, It's Not OK, Harm Reduction, Drink Spiking and online training initiatives.
Role: Creative Director
Design, Dev & Photography: Myles Skinner (print), Jay Lewis and Colin Moody
Live link:
The Bristol Nights website and printed marketing materials create a platform for all the social responsibility campaigns by Bristol City Council. These campaigns have a wealth of advice and resources for employers and employees who are part of Bristol's nigh time economy.
Bristol Nights website overview.
One of the huge murals with glow in the dark messaging as part of the Women’s Safety Charter campaign.
Each campaign has a distinct creative aesthetic which defines the design of each website nested within the Bristol Nights platform. All campaigns are gradually being revamped so I have only included visuals of the campaigns that I have worked on (Women's Safety Charter and Thrive at Night).
Thrive at Night website overview.
The revamp of these campaign websites has seen an increase in traffic and businesses signing up to the training sessions, either in person or online. All the other campaigns (It's Not OK, Harm Reduction, Drink Spiking and Bristol Rules) will also have their websites redesigned over time.
*Metrics not available.